Bitcoin address:bc1q20lrqyuk2dvnz0m5wtqmscugw8dh5alkrkez2q
Solana address:BQ4Zcis31NJiWJGJLfNx2G7UtQCH3yc5YTZeqPx1cEfk
Reserve Your Yhcrana Terrae Fat Tire Recumbent E-bike
Be one of only 500 to own this exclusive e-bike in 2025. Place your $100 deposit today! Key Benefits:
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If you are paying your deposit through crypto, be sure to email us with your details: name, address, phone, exact time of transaction and crypto used so that we can log your contribution and send you a receipt. Please note that equavalent payments in crypto are to be based on $100 US dollars.